Only a few weeks have unfortunately lost, the man who created essentially Style fashion on the street, the legendary Bill Cunningham.
Some people are still mourning their loss. In fact, on July 6, it will be corner at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, a "Bill Cunningham, to mark the bill. Unfortunately, there is likely to be called for a week due to legal problems.
The location is at the corner, as it is one of the favorite destinations of bills was your thing to see and do.
On the other side of the hemisphere, in Australia continues to be the other's heritage of Bill. Street style has become very popular in recent years, and recently I was able to catch one of the best street photographers from Australia, the style of Tristan Jud isolated and began to ask some questions.
If - Shooting Street - start Style?
Officially I started about 2 years since, but it was only this year that I decided to and start sharing photos to publish. I was initially attracted to street photography as take away from my work in fashion, but I began to see a pattern in the manner of pictures I took and from what I was taught determines how much by what was the subject. With a little research, I started in Bio - line some street - style - follow photographer and my shots started street photography street moving where I looking for something that caught my attention.
What makes photography an excellent resistance?
It can really be a mixture of things. Everything comes into play in the accessories and layering of the location and light. Sometimes everything just works and looks great. I am always looking for a personal touch to a computer.
What are the smartest people together?
Trust. You can see in the way of walking and standing. You can use the simplest devices, and there is something about it that makes it just lifts off the ground.
What is the one thing you do not want to make someone to shoot?
Peacocking and ask to photograph. I habit of reading stories of this kind of thing and thought it must be a problem abroad, but I have met a few times. The best shot is when you go about your business, you do not ask, do not look at you just do what you do. You can come to appreciate if the device has been reduced, but I want the natural feel to the images that do not get if you just ask for them.
Where is the place your dream of a street - style - to be shooting?
Should the big 4 New York, London, Milan and Paris fashion weeks to be. On a local note, I'm hoping to go MBFWA in Sydney next year.
What are your influences?
Of course, Bill Cunningham, Adam Katz Sinding, Hugo Lee, Zuko Diego, Tommy Ton. deceased
and here are some of the works of Tristan ...
To verify that the work on the head of Tristan his Instagram or website.
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