enter the search now, you now buy Google Play. The search giant unveiled a new fashion week focused on search functionality that mobile users a calendar of exhibitions in a simple manner, images view access from any collection, access behind the content of the scenes is provided directly by some designers and store looks both on and off the to see route.
The contents of the Fashion Week can be found when searching for "Fashion Week" or "Fashion Week designer +" in Google.
Users can buy products directly on the line brands such as Burberry and Tom Ford in this season Prada, Christopher Kane shopping and much more. Google provides Kate Lanphear, former editor of Maxim, to discuss the project, which will run through all the international collections.
And as the excitement of the programs includes a focus what the fashion crowd cat running clothes, even the search giant help researchers navigate and Trends Street Style Store.
Since style many of the contents of the road within the closed channels - including applications like Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat - Google is much of this data index unable. To do this, she typed RewardStyle, the platform elements bloggers monetize bearing overall in assists.
RewardStyle and LiketoKnow.it product for Instagram allows its network of 10,000 bloggers tag photos posted trends and brands. When someone clicks on the content of these bloggers and buys the product, the blogger makes money. This content is not indexable by search engines in general, said founder RewardStyle Bernstein. Now, as part of a pilot project in two parts. The fashion weeks in New York, London, Paris and Milan, the "style rooms 1000 road on a daily basis, by" corresponding to a shoppable is
If the blogger content labels with a distributor, of which there are 4000 on the platform, Google is one of the platforms on which the blogger can choose to distribute content. This, Box said, "connects the dots to the look to buy."
Google said, "recognized the importance of eating style focused content, and want to pass on its platform and not as options."
For now, said the box, there is no "fee structure."
A second part of RewardStyle Google and the Association focuses on "contextual search" - ". What to wear to a wedding Austin" when someone searches, for example, during a trial period, Google indexes 1 percent of searches for a total of a few hundred million searches an idea of the value to add it to the influential RewardStyle and apparently Google brings. This part of the driver is not at the Fashion Week in context and continue for several months; which currently does not apply to payments between Google and RewardStyle, Box said.
for bloggers and brands to Google - This team could end up paying. estimated RewardStyle that to more sales of $ 700 million retail run their influential content creation in 2016, its global platform of over 400,000 products every month. In the five years since its inception, Rewardstyle drove around 1 billion retail of $. Bloggers and Brands need to participate and bloggers who can use the platform to make as much as $ 500,000 a month through affiliate links will be accepted on the platform.
This is the first time the browser something like this has created for Fashion Week, but the general approach has been tested with events such as the Olympic Games, Coach, Oscar and over again.
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