Thursday 26 May 2016

Designer Raquel Allegra L.A. Arcos on Third Street

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Just in time: Raquel Allegra could call its first store in West Third Street decades in the making.

It's something I with her best friend, as in 1995 and the designer of Los Angeles, which debuted at retail Job had spoken at Barneys New York, will next month hold a grand opening to celebrate milestone.

"I want to do things when they feel comfortable and not before," Allegra said. "He began to feel that a few years ago just started and talk. Has developed the collection to the point that we could do it really now ... .It feels like in some respects, I saw quite private . I just created and not much public life in terms of how the brand is shared. I just wish there were two stations in New York with the fashion Week began to show, so I think, j 'was finally ready, to show the whole story and to share. "

From a retail environment, white Allegra very well the challenges that the whole story to tell in a multi-brand retailers. With 1,300 square meters of goods, it gives you the opportunity to experiment with exclusive articles, while the feeling of comfort to the details of feeding, mutual customers can help full style.

Allegra said the plan eventually more business is open, but the time must be good.

The designer, known for his parts colored with delicate hand, Ts Los Angeles County jails debuted reuse. He has since moved to the leaves hand dyed and printed chiffon and is now more than 200 stores, including Harvey Nichols, Barneys and thanks, the latter, make an installation in the stores ordered.

A piece time of his days of deconstruction of these shirts in prison now hangs in the newly opened window space at the bottom of a piece of floor to ceiling hand crochet by an employee with the collection of materials. Allegra is then used as a canvas on which to paint.

The store is also an extension of his love for jewelry collection and what they call "treasure hunt". Part of his collection in a case, sits in the middle of the store and include period features flea market in Pasadena Rose Bowl, get small businesses locally or on their trips to places like New Mexico.

"My point of more than one element of art is as a fashion item," he said. "This is for me, the point is to have a store where only a pure creative outlet."

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